
"How do I choose the best UK university for my degree?" Choosing a university to study at is a daunting task. It’s where you’ll be living and learning for the next 3-4 years. So, first and foremost, you want to make sure it’s somewhere you like!… Read more

High tea... it evokes so much history and so much fun! Oxford is famous for some of the oldest cafes in England, including the beautiful The Grand Cafe, The Queen’s Lane Coffe House, and the exquisite Ashmolean Museum! This week, I celebrated 6… Read more

I planned many of my trips to the theatre in advance. That being said, most of the time I was just looking for something to do when I had a free day from assignments or classes. When I think back to my time in London, some of my favourite… Read more

While you’re primarily in the UK to study, there are so many amazing opportunities to travel while abroad. Here are 7 tips for cheap and easy student travel!

1. Start Traveling Locally: Day Trips!

When beginning to venture beyond your… Read more

Previously, we were looking at different ways for students to get a taste of "Canadian cottage life” while studying in the UK.

Missed part one? Click here!

Getting into the wilderness is a shared love across Canada. When you first… Read more

Living in London means there are plenty of things to do any day during the week. I’ve been living in London for about ten months now. I rarely find myself without plans to explore more of my amazing city with friends. However, you can generally… Read more

El momento más esperado por cualquier estudiante que está realizando un proceso de postulación a una beca es el día en que se publican los resultados del concurso. Algunos afortunados son seleccionados para continuar adelante con sus planes de… Read more

El mundo laboral de hoy nos plantea a todos la necesidad de ampliar nuestros conocimientos e ir más allá de estudiar solamente la licenciatura. Las empresas requieren profesionistas con habilidades tales como el dominio de un segundo idioma o… Read more

Searching for your perfect UK university is not always an easy task. There are many qualities that students need to consider beyond typical GPA requirements or ranking of a university. For instance, lifestyles, interests, academic goals, and… Read more

Si ya estas preparándote para conocer todos los alrededores de la que será tu ciudad por los próximos meses te damos una breve guía para conocer los edificios más famosos de Inglaterra que podrías encontrarte viviendo en la capital del Reino… Read more

Going to the cottage is a way of life across Canada. We even have different names for this activity depending on where you live! Whether you go to the cottage, to camp, to the lake, to the cabin, or to the bungalow, chances are you’ve experienced… Read more

London is known for many famous tourist attractions. However, the city also has a reputation for unique and quirky spots that can be found off the beaten track! Once you’ve checked Westminster Abbey and the Tower of London off your list, try… Read more

Es posible que una de las cosas que menos vienen a nuestra mente cuando pensamos en el Reino Unido es en su cocina. Sin embargo, la oferta culinaria británica no se limita al "Fish & Chips" como podrás descubrir en esta breve -y apetitosa-… Read more

Across the Pond representa a más de 40 Universidades británicas de gran prestigio internacional mismas que han sido Alma Mater de importantes e influyentes personajes en la historia de la ciencia, el arte y la cultura… Read more

If you’ve accepted an offer to a UK university (or are planning to soon), congratulations! You’re probably thinking – now what? Don’t worry! Your Across the Pond advisor is still here to help with the remainder of this process. Read on to find… Read more

Mientras realizas el sueño de estudiar en el Reino Unido: Inglaterra, Gales, Escocia o Irlanda del Norte, una de las principales preocupaciones, puede ser el tema de tus finanzas. No cabe duda que has hecho mucho esfuerzo para llegar a la… Read more

Cuando escuchamos hablar de financiamiento educativo, generalmente tendemos a pensar en tasas de interés altas y créditos inviables para estudiantes. Sin embargo, quiero contarte que no siempre es así y en México, contamos con una opción… Read more

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